The Kingston Trek for Teens organization hosted its first ever charity concert on November 10th. This event was made possible through the support of the Mansion in Kingston, Ontario and local performers that put on quite the show! Students and locals alike heard performances from Christian Parry, MidnightTryouts, Siydock and JIMBO with approximately 70 people in attendance. Altogether, the event raise over $325 dollars in support of the Kingston Youth Shelter. We look forward to hosting similar events in the future and hope to see you at our next concert!
Check out the pages of the fabulous artists that performed:
Christian Parry: https://www.facebook.com/christianparry/ and https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/blue/1246481311
Midnight Tryouts: https://www.facebook.com/MidnightTryouts/ and https://midnighttryouts.bandcamp.com/